Channel: Short Stories – bbcstudiowrites
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The King by Dalmatia Flemming


The King by Dalmatia Flemming


“Oh, how I love this caviar.  They know this is my favorite kind.  They order it just for me.  They are so very nice to me.  You see, I am a regular on this flight and somewhat of a celebrity.  But I don’t let it go to my head; my feet are planted firmly on the ground, or to the floor of the airplane; you know what I mean.  I would never dream of taking advantage of situations or other sentient beings due to my celebrity status.”    

“I have settled into a nice little routine on this flight.  After relaxing and enjoying my snack of caviar with a little cream on the side, I will make the rounds in first class.  Then sometimes I will make it a point to go visit with the pilot and co-pilot.  After that, the pilot usually announces via the PA system that a celebrity is on board and who that celebrity is.  That usually elicits a few gasps and excited giggles from my fellow passengers.  That is my cue to then mosey around business and coach classes.”

“I especially like the children.  Maybe that is because they are the most excited to see me.  But there are plenty of adults who get excited as well.  Usually it’s the business class passengers; sometimes they are working on the plane and welcome the chance to take a break and visit with me.  There is the rare occasion when there will be a pet on the plane.  Sometimes they are scared of me, I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s because they don’t fly often and find the whole experience to be stressful.”

“But yes, the children.  I’ll spend about 1 day a week visiting ill children in the hospital.  I feel that I can make a difference in this world by inspiring them.  It’s not that I’m a role model, no, it’s not that.  But … I don’t know … I seem to make them happy and they make me happy too.  You know, LA can take a lot out of you, but if you are a certain kind of cat, it can gave a lot back. And to think, this whole new aspect of my life began with the charity calendar shoot.”

“Come on Alex, we’re starting the decent.”

“Oh, I need to get back into my cat carrier now.”

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