PHOSPHORESCENCE Daniel Enderle I had a summer job on an oil tanker running up and down the East Coast and across the Gulf of Mexico to ports in Texas. This was 1980, after my first year of college,...
View ArticleWorld Gone Mad – Pandora
One minute they were enjoying the bright colors and air of celebration. The next minute she heard the sound and began running for their lives. “Girls!” G screamed as she grabbed her two small children,...
View ArticleBringing Down the House – by Anne Holmes
Bringing Down the House – by Anne Holmes Fred loved tap dancing. It seemed as though he had done it his whole life. It was his first memory. Well, maybe it was just the constant recounting of the...
View ArticleOh Dad—Elaine Bonow
Oh Dad Fred walked from his car into his neighborhood grocery store to pick up a few things for his dinner. Raymond was coming to dinner and as usual was eager to eat one of the great meals that Fred...
View ArticleCole in Love—Klaudia Keller
Cole in Love Klaudia Keller Cole had never experienced a moment of self doubt or an instant of compassion. How ridiculous then to find himself in love. Cole Pierce was very accomplished man. He had...
View ArticleThe Turf – Tom Gaffney
It was the Turf back then. We called her Fred. She had a new tattoo that morning. A snake and barbed wire running up the right arm. She was a trendsetter of sorts. She was for me, anyway. A lot of...
View Article3rd Base – Pandora
3rd Base “Give me a break,” said Fred, as he turned towards his tormenter. “Why do you insist on causing me so much pain?” “Because, faggot, you are a faggot!” sneered Cody James, the alpha male of...
View ArticleBeyond the Clearing —-Elaine Bonow
Beyond the Clearing He took his stance, hands on waist, legs spread wide and breathed deeply before he picked up the heavy axe and faced the pile of wood. The weather was starting to change...
View ArticleAmerica’s Got Talent? – By Anne Holmes
America’s Got Talent? – By Anne Holmes If I could ever have amnesia, the thing I’d most like to forget would be that incident on “America’s Got Talent”. We got a double X. But we did get to...
View ArticleCOLLINS—Daniel Enderle
COLLINS Daniel Enderle All throughout the miserable day, Jack had been feeling so bad that, when it finally came, the concussive thud of the ack-ack shell as it shredded the left side of his bomber...
View ArticleA Hometown Trip—Daniel Enderle
A Hometown Trip Daniel Enderle There are few things worse than listening as anyone, even a dear friend, recounts a dream. One of those things is hearing anyone detail adventures while tripping. But...
View ArticleTuesday Night Picnic – Karen Uffelman
“Make her sit down in that seat, Joni! Joni!” “Wave to Grandma, okay?” I waved to Grandma, giggling as we hit the bump at the bottom of Grandma’s driveway, my mom swinging her arm in front of me in...
View ArticleThe Birthday Goblin – by Shanna
The cupcakes sat unsuspecting on the desk, their bright colored frosting and wrappers contrasting with the dull white desktop. The cupcake on the right looked sweet to the touch. It had bright pink...
View ArticleFifth and Apple Fritter – Tom Gaffney
“How long ago do you think it happened?” Despite my revulsion, I could not turn away. “Not long, I imagine. Remember how they used to drive us crazy at the store – if we didn’t get the garbage all...
View ArticleFlowers in Your Hair—A Crown of Roses —Elaine Bonow
Flowers in Your Hair—A Crown of Roses Florence Williams loved her garden. She was the neighborhood flower lady. She loved dahlias and peonies, roses, lilies and delphinium. You could say...
View ArticleComplete Custodial Care (part two)—Daniel Enderle
Complete Custodial Care (part two) We got back in the car with Lee at the wheel, and had some sort of dithering conversation before one of us said, “OK, be cool. Let’s think about this.” “We have to...
View ArticleMostly Tracy — Daniel Enderle
Mostly Tracy Daniel Enderle William met Tracy a couple of times down at the Mount Royal Tavern before Ellen finally moved out, but he never really talked to her until the evening they unveiled the...
View ArticleOTTO E MEZZO —Daphne Bellflower
OTTO E MEZZO She sat in her 10-year-old Honda CRV, tapping her foot impatiently. She missed her Volvo, missed her BMW, but didn’t miss the repair and upkeep costs. Still, the Honda sucked. She stared...
View ArticleDouble Chris—Elaine Bonow
Double Chris “What’s the matter darling, you seem so quiet this morning?” Chris rolled into the middle of the bed and reached over lightly touching Kris’ shoulder. Kris pulled...
View ArticleLOCKHEED-VEGA – Daphne Bellflower
LOCKHEED-VEGA – Daphne Bellflower Helen sat quietly at the bar nursing her whiskey. Her glass was almost empty. She would have to order another or the bartender would glare at her, shaming her for...
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